Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be the leading cause of death for construction workers. Accounting for 345 of the 899 construction fatalities recorded in 2014. Falls from ladders make up nearly a third of those deaths. Some of these deaths can be prevented if designers incorporate horizontal grab features. This will help enable workers to more effectively while using a three-point control when climbing ladders and other structures.
Slips, Trips, and Falls 2016: The Way Forward (October 4th and 5th, 2016)
The Way Forward: An Update on Falls at the same Level, Stair Falls and Elevated Falls.
This is practical and research information on what is new for building owners, specifiers, safety managers, architects, risk managers for Hotels, Manufacturing, Food, Transport, Leisure, Health Clubs etc.
From the event website:
Slips, trips and falls are the biggest cause of unintentional injury in the world today. This 2 day international conference will share the latest research and ideas to help develop solutions to reduce the incidence and impact of this ongoing problem. Slips, trips and falls on the level, stair falls and falls from height will all be addressed and updated with the latest thinking. The Conference Co-Chairs are Steve Thorpe, Chair, United Kingdom Slip Resistance Group and Richard Bowman, Chair, Slips, Trips and Falls Technical Committee, International Ergonomics Association.
Date: 4 and 5 October 2016:
London UK
Organized by the UK Slip Resistance Group
Click here for more information and Speaker List
Following Scaffolding Regulations

The safety requirements for employees working on scaffolds as defined by OSHA are often overlooked by many. This could essentially be the difference between life and death falls.
Without a doubt, scaffolds should be able to hold it’s own weight and four times the maximum intended load applied. In addition to this, OSHA states that “each employee more than 10 feet above a lower level shall be protected from falls by guardrails or a fall arrest system.” However, those who are on a single-point or two-point adjustable scaffold are required to be protected by a personal fall arrest system as well. Making sure construction companies understand when each requirement is needed is essential to the safety and protection of their workers.
In addition, employers are required to train scaffold employees on the hazards and dangers. As well as, how to minimize the risk of injury as well as, proper procedures to follow. Without the proper training of employees who use scaffolds, companies are not taking full advantage of the safety equipment required.
Overall, following scaffolding regulations are essential to protection of employees. The training on these systems are absolutely imperative and should never be overlooked.
For more information on fall protection, fall safety training, and procedures, please visit FallSafety.com where safety is #1.
Take part in OSHA Stand Down! Here’s how
OSHA Third Annual National Safety Stand-down May 2-6, 2016
The third annual National Safety Stand-down will take place from May 2-6, 2016. It is to raise awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction. is this year’s theme.
Anyone who wants to prevent falls in the workplace can participate in the Stand-Down. In past years, participants included commercial construction companies of all sizes, residential construction contractors, sub- and independent contractors, highway construction companies, general industry employers, the U.S. Military, other government participants, unions, employer’s trade associations, institutes, worker interest organizations, and safety equipment manufacturers.
Find out more from OSHA about the stand down and what your company can do to participate. https://www.osha.gov/StopFallsStandDown/index.html
Temporary FP Systems
Although double-lanyard systems remain a seemingly obvious answer for moving horizontally on many present structures without the provision of horizontal lifelines, their use is cumbersome. An interesting variant used in Japan employs a simpler system that includes a keybox attached to the worker’s belt. One lanyard key is inserted and remains attached until a second lanyard key is inserted in another opening. This action ejects the first lanyard key and allows unhindered transfer past obstructions or supports while ensuring continuous protection.
See “Introduction to Fall Protecton, 4th Edition” page 242.
Order your copy of “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” today. This invaluable resource will take you from the structure design stage to post construction maintenance. Click to find out more!
Fall-Rescue Planning
It is important to point out that the Fall Protection Code was not written for professional rescuers, such as fire, police and ambulance personnel. The standards were developed for PFAS users and manufacturers. While rope rescue by professional rescuers may be the last resort after other rescue means are considered and/or tried and rejected, Z359 standards are written for equipment users as planned rescuers. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on planning for emergencies as part of the overall fall protection program. It is important, however, that the rescuers be trained in the latest treatment methods for suspension intolerance.
See “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” page 460.
Order your copy of “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” today. This invaluable resource will take you from the structure design stage to post construction maintenance. Click to find out more!
Scaffold Regulations
OSHA scaffold regulations are currently found in the 1926 and 1910 standards. Most scaffolds are governed by 29CFR1926, Subpart L. This standard applies anytime a “construction-type activity” is to performed from the scaffold. This is true even in general industry (1910 type) facilities. The location of the scaffold does not determine the standard applicability, but rather the activity to be performed on the scaffold.
See “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” page 138.
Order your copy of “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” today. This invaluable resource will take you from the structure design stage to post construction maintenance. Click to find out more!
Importance of Training
Workers need training to understand the rules and how they apply in real life situations. They frequently are simply unaware of dangerous situations such as equipment compatibility problems, the consequences of a sudden free fall or the possibility of impact with a stationary object. Workers must be trained that safety is their responsibility and that taking the time to do a job properly is the safest way to protect themselves and their coworkers. To achieve this, training must provide hands-on opportunities for workers and managers. Workers should also be trained to understand why their work will be observed in the field and why they will be required to undergo additional training if they do not meet expectations on a recurring basis.
See “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” pages 438-439.
Order your copy of “Introduction to Fall Protection, 4th Edition” today. This invaluable resource will take you from the structure design stage to post construction maintenance. Click to find out more!
Jail Sentence for Roofing Company Owner
The Superior Court of Justice in Ontario, Canada recently sentenced a roofing company owner to 15 days in jail (in addition to other sanctions) for the fall death of one of his employees. The employee, who was wearing a harness but was not tied-off, was both experienced and recently had undergone fall protection training.
In handing out the unprecedented jail sentence the Court reasoned that the owner initially had lied about the incident, had a history of fall protection violations and, importantly, the Court found that the owner had knowledge that the worker regularly did not use his fall protection equipment properly.
The Court considered it’s ruling a warning to all employers as it held, in part, “The major reason a jail sentence is necessary for (the owner) is to deter others from ignoring the legislated fall protection requirements. Others in the industry must pause to consider that each and every time they embark on a roofing project they may go to jail if one of their employees does not use fall protection gear.”